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Mission Statement: "To Motivate Young People To Be Better Citizens"

Battalion Executive Officer
Aileen Catalan

Battalion Staff Sergeant Major
Victoria Perez
Cadet/Sergeant Major

BN S-1 (Adjutant)
Aimee Salas-Lopez
Cadet/Second Lieutenant
BN S-2 (Intel/Security )
Ricardo De La Cruz
Cadet/Sergeant First Class
BN S-3 (Training/Ops)
Dayana Estrada-Flores
Cadet/Second Lieutenant

BN S-4 (Supply)
Pearl Moreno
Cadet/Second Lieutenant
BN S-5 (Public Affairs/Signal)
Daniel Luna
Cadet/Second Lieutenant
BN S-6 (Communications)
Sadie Rico
Cadet/Second Lieutenant
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